Friday, November 14, 2008

Attorney Information

Attorney Referral Service: If you are seeking legal assistance on a private civil matter, look under "Attorneys" in the yellow pages or try the Minnesota State Bar Association "Lawyer Referral System" at

Judicare: If you are an Anoka County resident and cannot afford an attorney (for civil matters only) you may qualify for the services of the legal aid office at Judicare: (763) 783-4970 at 1201 89th Avenue NE Suite #310 in Blaine, MN 55434.

Fee Arbitration Board: To file a complaint against an attorney for excessive fees, contact Darrell Jensen at 763-783-5136 or Dave Brodie at 763-767-6495.

Public Defender: If you have been charged with a crime in Anoka County, at your first appearance you will have the opportunity to apply for a public defender based on your ability to pay. This will not happen until your first appearance. If you would like more information about this process, you may contact the Public Defender’s Office at (763) 422-3350.

Lawyer’s Professional Responsibility Board: To make a complaint regarding an attorney’s ethics or misconduct, call the Lawyers’ Professional Board of Responsibility at (651) 296-3952.

Judicial District Administrator: If you have a complaint or concern about the way a judge or magistrate presided over a court hearing or trial, you can call the 10th Judicial District Administrator at (763) 279-0179.

Scope of Powers: If you have questions regarding city powers, i.e. zoning, ordinances, city council authority, etc, call: (651) 281-1200.

City Attorney Listings: For questions concerning prosecution of misdemeanors, city ordinance violations, or matters involving municipal government, contact your city attorney. Some of the cities require that you contact the city clerk before contacting the attorney directly. City attorneys for each municipality are listed in the Anoka County Public Officials guide (download in Adobe Acrobat format).  When more than one attorney is listed, one deals in civil matters (CV) and one in criminal matters (CR):

Personal Issues

Visitation/Custody Information: If your divorce decree was granted in Anoka County and would like to modify an order for custody/visitation, contact the Domestic Relations Unit at (763) 323-5830.

Mediation Services for Anoka County: Free mediation services for assistance in settling neighborhood, commercial, family, and public issue disputes, call (763) 422-8878.

Harassment Restraining Order: For information on how to file a restraining order, call Anoka County Family Court at (763) 422-7350 or Anoka County Victim Services at (763) 323-5559.

Order for Protections: Victims of domestic abuse can obtain Orders for Protection. For information contact Anoka County Family Court at (763) 422-7350 or Alexandra House at (763) 780-2330.

Child Support Enforcement Information: If you have a question about a child support order that was granted in Anoka County, call (763) 422-7320.

United Way: First Call for Help: For information on all types of services available both in and out of Anoka County, call (763) 335-5000. For services that are available in Anoka County, call (763) 783-4880.

Department of Human Rights: If you have questions regarding harassment or discrimination, call (651) 296-5663.

Commitments: To begin a commitment proceeding for mental illness or inebriety, contact Anoka County Adult Services at (763) 422-7070.

Consumer Issues:

Better Business Bureau: For information about a business you may be unfamiliar with, call the Better Business Bureau at (651) 699-0110 or write 2706 Gannon Road, St. Paul, MN 55116. The bureau keeps records on businesses that have received inquiries and complaints. You may also lodge a complaint with them against a business.

Attorney General’s Office: Consumer Protection Services: You may also file complaint against a business and inquire about consumer laws and protection with the Attorney General’s Office. Call (651) 296-3353 or write 1400 NCL Tower, 445 Minnesota St., St. Paul, MN 55101.

Anoka County Economic Crime Unit: This office will review the matter and may take action ranging from referral to another agency to prosecution if any criminal laws have been violated. Call (763) 323-5586.

Conciliation Courts: are designed to allow citizens to bring their complaints against people or business before a judge without complicated procedures. You may bring forth claims for monetary damages up to $7,500. You may not bring forth complaints dealing with real estate titles, marriage, divorce, or custody of children. Please see Court Administration for description and information.

MN Association of Landlords and Tenants: For information on landlord/tenant rules and regulations call (612) 858-8222.