Friday, November 14, 2008

Attorney Information

Attorneys in Havana

Attorneys are not permitted to maintain private law offices in Cuba. However, the Cuban Government authorizes several Cuban Government law firms (Bufetes), whose functions include the rendering of legal assistance, to accommodate persons requiring the services of an attorney for a fee. American citizens who need legal counsel in Cuba should communicate directly with one of the firms listed below. The Interests Section assumes no responsibility for the professional ability of persons employed by the firms listed below.

Consultoria Juridica Internacional (Casa no. 1)
Calle 16 No. 314 e/ 3ra y 5ta
Miramar, Playa, Ciudad Habana
Tel: 204-1318
FAX 204-2303

Consultoría Juridica Internacional (Casa no. 2)
Calle 22 no. 108 e/1ra y 3ra
Mirmar, Playa, Ciudad Habana
Tel: 204-5691

Bufete de Servicios Especializados
23 y J Vedado, Ciudad Habana
Tel.: 832-6813/832-6024
Fax: 66-2159
Cell Phone 880-3392 (Director)

Bufete Internacional
Ave. 5ta no. 16202 Esq. a 162
Playa, Ciudad Habana
Phones: (537) 66-6824/204-6749
(537) 833-1427/1428
Fax: (537) 204-6750

Note: The United States Department of the Treasury advises that Treasury restrictions apply to payments by residents of the U.S. for legal services in Cuba in accordance with Title 31, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 515.21. Individuals who want to pay attorney's fees in Cuba must apply to the Office of Foreign Assets Control, Department of Treasury, Washington D.C. 20220, describing briefly the problem requiring the transfer of funds.